On 31st May 2023, KPMG New Zealand and ACAMS hosted a thought-provoking discussion in Auckland centred around child sexual exploitation, abuse and trafficking in New Zealand and the Pacific, informed by It’s a Penalty’s 2022 Common Protect report.
The expert panel included representatives from NZ Polive, Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs (NZ), New Zealand Customs Service, Child Matters and World Vision NZ. The aim of the panel was for experts to share their work in this space, removing stigma surrounding a difficult topic to discuss, and challenging us to do more to safeguard the wellbeing of children in New Zealand and the Pacific.
We are so grateful to KPMG and Gemma Livingston, Director Advisory Services, for hosting and organising the expert panel, as well as all who attended and engaged as panelists.